- Buffered Multiple
- Catalyst Controller
- Catalyst Sequencer
- Dual EnvVCA
- Dual Looping Delay
- Ensemble Oscillator
- EnvVCA
- Eurorack Atoner
- Eurorack Noise Swash
- Listen Four
- Listen Four Quarters
- Listen IO
- Listen Up
- Looping Delay
- MetaModule
- MetaModule Audio Expander
- MetaModule Wi-Fi Expander
- Mini PEG
- Percussion Interface + Expander
- Pingable Envelope Generator
- QCD Expander
- Quad Clock Distributor
- Quad Pingable LFO
- RCD Breakout
- Rotating Clock Divider
- Row Power 25
- Row Power 30
- Row Power 35
- Row Power 40
- Row Power 45
- Sampler
- SCM Breakout
- SCM Plus
- Shaped Dual EnvVCA
- Shifting Inverting Signal Mingler
- Shuffling Clock Multiplier
- Spectral Multiband Resonator
- Spherical Wavetable Navigator
- Stereo Triggered Sampler
- Tapographic Delay
- VCA Matrix
- WAV Recorder
- Autonomous Bassline Generator
- DIY Looping Delay Kit
- DIY Sampler Kit
- Euro Atoner Kit
- Euro Swash kit
- Eurorack Power Distro Board Shrouded
- Eurorack Swash
- Listen Up
- Mini Swash Kit
- Nocto
- Passive Mult kit
- Phaseur Fleur
- Pingable Envelope Generator Kit
- Quad Clock Distributor Expander
- Quad Pingable LFO
- RCD Breakout
- Rotating Clock Divider
- SCM Breakout
- Shuffling Clock Multiplier
- Stereo Panneur Kit
- Sweptoner
- Tremulus Lune
User Manuals:
- User Manual v1.1c -- January 11, 2017 (Firmware version 5)
- Firmware Version 5 Release Notes
- System Settings and Button Combos Quick Guide
Firmware Updates:
Latest firmware:
- Version 5 firmware (not for PCB v1.2-F446)
- Version 5 firmware (for PCB v1.2-F446)
- Updating firmware for PCB v1.2-F446
Alternative firmwares:
- Version 5 firmware with shorter time to clear RAM buffers (not for PCB v1.2-F446)
- Version 5 firmware with shorter time to clear RAM buffers (for PCB v1.2-F446)
v5-Send-Return-Pre-Loop (alt firmware) (not for PCB v1.2-F446)
Adds an advanced feature to change the delay topology. By Thomas Kielbus
This firmware adds a new feature where the Send/Return jacks are placed before the looping delay memory. This allows you to patch an effect into the Send/Return jacks and have all echoes be effected (while still retaining the Wet/Dry control). This mode is for advanced users only. See the README (pdf) for caveats!!!
How to Update:
It's easy to update yourself. You just need to play a special .wav file into DLD. Follow these instructions:
- Download the firmware wav file
- Power off the DLD and connect a computer or smart phone audio output to the In B jack. Either a stereo or mono cable is fine. Connect the Out B jack to an amp/speakers so you can listen. Remove your phone case, it may be preventing the cable from fully plugging in.
- Set the computer/phone's volume to 100% and the audio player software to 100% volume. Turn off all audio and vibrate notifications (use Airplane mode). Close any applications that make notification sounds such as Facebook.
- To enter bootloader mode, depress the Ping button and both Reverse buttons all at the same time while powering on the DLD. When you see the Channel A Hold button turn on or blink, the DLD is ready to receive firmware. Release the three buttons. (If the Hold A light doesn't turn on in a couple seconds, flip the power off and immediately back on to try again. Some power supplies produce noise on power-on which means you may have to try several times. For best results, disconnect all other modules from the power supply except the DLD. We recommend using a Row Power power supply)
- Begin playing the file. Immediately you should see red Channel A Loop LED blink. The blue light will flash from time to time as well. Do not interrupt the process! You can monitor the audio by listening to the Out B jack.
- If the monitored audio stops before the end of the file and/or the lights stop blinking, an error has occurred and you should try again. Verify the cable is not loose, all sounds/vibrate/notifications are off, and that you have downloaded the audio file completely (avoid streaming or playing from the browser). Check the volume is at 100%. Remove the protection case from your smart phone. Stop the audio file, reset it back to the start, and tap Reverse A button to reset. The Hold A button should light up. Play the file from the beginning again.
- If the file loads successfully, the DLD will immediately start running. In some cases, you may need to do a Factory Reset (see manual)
Source Code (open source license):
- User Manual for PCB v2, firmware v4.3 (latest version - July 2015)
- User Manual for PCB v1.x, firmware v4.2 (old version, summer 2012-summer 2015)
- PEG firmware for PCB v2.x (latest firmware version is v4.3) PEG firmware for PCB v1.x (latest firmware version is v4.2)
- How to upgrade your firmware for PCB v1
- See related items below for purchasing replacement chips for PEG kits
Video Manual (part 1):
- QPLFO Kit channel firmware (for the four attiny85 chips) Version 1.0, April 25 2013
- QPLFO Kit Tap Tempo firmware (for the attiny2313 chip) Version 1.0, April 25 2013
- User Manual Version 1.2
- User Manual Version 1.1 for old versions with green PCB
- RCD Breakout connection guide (Step 2 for newest v1.2 RCD)
- How to Update your own RCD by yourself: Download the hex file below. Then follow these instructions: Updating Firmware on AVR chips
- Version 1.1 (2012 April 24) for PCB 1.0.2, 1.0.3, and 1.0.4: hex file (adds Spread mode)
- Old Version 1.0.2 for PCB 1.0.1 and up: hex file
- Old Version 1.0.2 for PCB 1.0: hex file
- 4ms RCD github: Always the latest version, as well as other clocker versions (Tracking Gate Sequencer, DinSync SCM, etc...): 4ms github
- User Manual Version 1.2 for black PCB, shipped 2015 and later
- User Manual Version 1.1 for old versions with green PCB
- RCD Breakout connection guide
- How to Update your own RCD by yourself: Download the hex file below. Then follow these instructions: Updating Firmware on AVR chips
- Version 1.1 (2012 April 24) for PCB 1.0.2, 1.0.3, and 1.0.4: hex file (adds Spread mode)
- Old Version 1.0.2 for PCB 1.0.1 and up: hex file
- Old Version 1.0.2 for PCB 1.0: hex file
- 4ms RCD github: Always the latest version, as well as other clocker verisons (Tracking Gate Sequencer, DinSync SCM, etc...): 4ms github
- SCM Breakout User Manual (v2)
- SCM User Manual Version 1.0.4 (updated August 18, 2010)
- User Manual Version 1.2 (Sept 2015)
- User Manual Version 1.0.4 for old version green PCB (PCB v1.0.x)
- How CV Rotation works Graphical! (written for RCD, but applies to SCM)
- SCM Breakout User Manual (v2)
- How to Update your SCM by yourself:
- Download the latest hex file: SCM firmware hex file (v1.0.6)
- Follow these instructions: Updating Firmware on AVR chips
- Developing your own custom code to run on the SCM or RCD:
User Manuals:
- SMR User Manual 1.1.1 (for firmware v5) -- February 2017
- SMR User Manual 1.0.3 (for firmware v4)
- SMR User Manual 1.0.3 in Japanese (for firmware v4)
Source Code:(open source license)
Audio files for updating firmware
- Latest version:
Firmware version 5.1.1 (zip file)
wav file (Caution: Loud!)
Changes in v5.1.1 - Old versions:
- SWN Cheat Sheet PDF
- SWN User Manual v2.2
- New Features in firmware v2.2
- SphereEdit Manual (software for Mac/Windows/Linux)
- Firmware v2.2.1 (released May 2021):
- New Features in firmware v2.2
- Firmware v2.2e (old version released October, 2020)
- Firmware v2.1 (old version released July 16, 2019)
- Firmware v2.0 (old version released July 12, 2019)
- Firmware v1.1 (old version released May 30, 2019)
- How to upgrade firmware:
Power on your SWN while holding down the center knob. Download the .zip file and unzip it to get the .WAV file, or download the .WAV file directly. Play the .WAV file into the SWN's Waveform In jack. See the User Manual, page 30 for detailed procedure.
SphereEdit software for creating Spherical Wavetables on a computer:
User Manual:
Firmware version 1.5.2b (October 2022):
Sample Pack (2022):
- Sample Pack 2022
- Sample List for the included sample pack (2022 update)
Change Log:
- (previous version v1.4g from August 2020 here)
How to Update:
It's easy to update yourself. You just need to play a special .wav file into STS. Follow the instructions in the User Manual.
- User Manual version 2.0 (latest version, black PCB)
- User Manual version 1.0 (early version, green PCB)
- All WAV Recorders have the most current version firmware installed.
Build Guide:
Schematic and PCB:
Build Guide:
Schematic and PCB:
Latest firmware:
- Complete building instruction manual
- Kit parts
- User's guide Updated version 1.2 Sept 2010
- Complete building instruction manual (PCB v1.0.6, latest kit version)
- Kit Parts (PCB v1.0.6)
- Complete building instruction manual (PCB v1.0.4, old version)
- Kit Parts (PCB v1.0.4)
- Dimming the LEDs on PCB 1.0.4 . (note: PCB 1.0.6 has LED dimmer trimpots)
- User Manual for version 4.2 (latest kit version)
- PEG firmware for PCB v2.x (latest firmware version is v4.3) -- Production version, not for kits PEG firmware for PCB v1.x (latest firmware version is v4.2) -- Latest kit version
- How to upgrade your firmware for PCB v1.x
- Replacement chips for older PEG kits are available here.
- QPLFO channel firmware (for the four attiny85 chips) Version 1.0, April 25 2013
- QPLFO Tap Tempo firmware (for the attiny2313 chip) Version 1.0, April 25 2013
- Wiring guide (note: upgrade chip mentioned in this older doc is not needed for post-2012 units)
- Kit parts
- User Manual Version 1.1 (updated 2012 April 24)
- RCD Breakout connection guide
- How to Update your own RCD by yourself: Download the hex file below. Then follow these instructions: Updating Firmware on AVR chips
- Version 1.1 (2012 April 24) for PCB 1.0.2, 1.0.3, and 1.0.4: hex file (adds Spread mode)
- Old Version 1.0.2 for PCB 1.0.1 and up: hex file
- Old Version 1.0.2 for PCB 1.0: hex file
- 4ms RCD github: Always the latest version, as well as other clocker verisons (Tracking Gate Sequencer, DinSync SCM, etc...): 4ms github
- Complete building instruction manual
- Kit Parts
- Part numbers (openoffice)
- User Manual Version 1.1 (updated 2012 April 24)
- RCD Breakout connection guide
- How to Update your own RCD by yourself: Download the hex file below. Then follow these instructions: Updating Firmware on AVR chips
- Version 1.1 (2012 April 24) for PCB 1.0.2, 1.0.3, and 1.0.4: hex file (adds Spread mode)
- Old Version 1.0.2 for PCB 1.0.1 and up: hex file
- Old Version 1.0.2 for PCB 1.0: hex file
- 4ms RCD github: Always the latest version, as well as other clocker verisons (Tracking Gate Sequencer, DinSync SCM, etc...): 4ms github
- If you don't want to buy the AVR ISP mkII and update your RCD yourself, you can purchase one from 4ms directly here
- Complete building instruction manual
- Kit Parts
- SCM Breakout User Manual (v2)
- SCM User Manual Version 1.0.4 (updated August 18, 2010)
- Complete building instruction manual
- Kit Parts
- Part numbers (openoffice)
- How CV Rotation works Graphical! (written for RCD, but applies to SCM)
- SCM User Manual (v1.0.4)
- SCM Breakout User Manual (v2)
- How to Update your SCM by yourself:
- Download the latest hex file: SCM firmware hex file (v1.0.4) updated February 2, 2011
- Follow these instructions: Updating Firmware on AVR chips
- Other files for developing your own custom code to run on the SCM or RCD:
- AVR Studio 4 project (1.0.4 version, use this to compile code on Windows)
- avr-gcc SCM project (1.0.4 version, use this to compile code on Mac OSX or Linux)