Pitch Fine Tuning: Holding Shift (Freeze) while turning Pitch will fine-tune the pitch
Pitch Locking: After fine-tuning, turning the Pitch knob will not change the pitch until it's returned to the original position
Save Fine Tuning and Lock state after power down: the current fine-tune amount and whether Pitch is locked will be saved and restored after powering up
Versions 1.0.1 to 1.0.2b:
Released incrementally from Sept 2020 - Oct 2022
Less noise when adjusting Root knob or CV
Amplitudes are more consistent for all # Oscillators, Warp settings, and number of notes in a scale
DC Blocking on outputs, keeps signal centered especially with Twist = Ramp
Less click/pop when flipping Twist, Warp, or Cross Mod switches
Bug Fixes:
Fixed freeze after being left on for > 4 days
Fixed freeze on power-up when using some power supplies
Fix occasional clipping at particular # Osc, Stereo Mode and Spread settings