Welcome to 4ms Pedals
Before there was 4ms Company, a producer of Eurorack modules, there was 4ms Pedals, an effect pedals company known for thier unique custom pedals that changed with each run. Starting in 1996 in a small workshop near Chicago, 4ms Pedals began experimenting with sound and technology to create a line of pedals like no other.
Before there was 4ms Company, a producer of Eurorack modules, there was 4ms Pedals, an effect pedals company known for thier unique custom pedals that changed with each run. Starting in 1996 in a small workshop near Chicago, 4ms Pedals began experimenting with sound and technology to create a line of pedals like no other.
All of these products have since been discontinued but we will hold them in our hearts (and our ears) forever.
Speed: rate of the effect, from a steady swell, to a rapid fire arm
Symmetry: from ramp-up sawtooth, to triangle, to ramp-down. (pulse width when Smoothness is at square)
Depth: amount of effect from barely a shudder to full tremulation. Can achieve silence to blaring loud squarewave chop
Spacing: loud/quiet "balance" waveshaper... adjusts spacing between volume pulses
Smoothness: blend between full on/off squarewave "chop" to smooth buttery sine-tri-round wave
Gain: overall boost/cut
Symmetry: from ramp-up sawtooth, to triangle, to ramp-down. (pulse width when Smoothness is at square)
Depth: amount of effect from barely a shudder to full tremulation. Can achieve silence to blaring loud squarewave chop
Spacing: loud/quiet "balance" waveshaper... adjusts spacing between volume pulses
Smoothness: blend between full on/off squarewave "chop" to smooth buttery sine-tri-round wave
Gain: overall boost/cut
Each pedal was built, designed, printed, and pasted by hand.
